Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Really? Again? The New Bumbo Recall.


Urgh! Well it was bound to happen. Once again a few parents who can't think for themselves or take responsibility for their actions are ruining it for the rest of us.

I'm not going to bother ordering the safety strap. And there already is a warning label on the damn thing.

Yes, Babe can get out of it. Yes she did almost hit her head once. But she was sitting on the carpeted floor and it really wasn't a big deal.

See my old post on the previous Bumbo recalls here.

1 comment:

  1. Airika you might want to get the recall package just so you have one to sell it with when Babe outgrows it, if you ever wanted to. Depending on where you tried to sell it, you may not be able to without the damn strap. And they resell for about $40-50 here....just a thought, we all like to make money on our outgrown kids stuff right? ;)
