Just a quick post to talk about changes that have been happening in the last few months.
Update 1:
If you read my last post on baby kicks you know that although it is all very magical I was finding it a little exhausting and honestly...annoying. It still is. As Baby got stronger so did her movements. They changed from what felt like little twitches to stronger rolls and punches, which I think are actually less annoying. I much prefer the strong sometimes painful movements to the ones that are just strong enough to feel like a little spasm under the skin. So I was/have been pretty happy with that change. However what hasn't changed is the worrying about the movements. In this way I am most definitely a first time mom. I've called the midwife at all hours. When Baby moves too much, when Baby doesn't move enough etc. If there was a kiosk in the mall that installed a window in your uterus I would pay twice what I just paid for my IPhone skin.
Update 2:
I now have an IPhone. I don't understand it yet and much like when I switched from a PC to a Mac, the phone and I are NOT bonded yet. It took two months for me to bond with my Mac Book. I don't respond well to electronic change. Most people get a new toy and rush home to spend the night playing with it. I sat on the floor and cried and glared at it from across the room. I behaved the same way with the laptop.
But this has nothing to do with being pregnant except that of course I had trouble changing from my old phone to the new one which left me phoneless for over an hour. This was just enough time to totally convince myself that I would go into labour and be unable to reach my midwife.
Update 3:
Despite having decorated and shopped almost exclusively for girl things since finding out 13 weeks ago that Baby is a girl, I am still paranoid that she will sprout a weenie before her birth and I'll have to rush to return everything. I am looking forward to an upcoming ultrasound (to check on my fibroid) in the hopes that I can convince the tech to take one last peek at the goods.
Update 4:
Symptoms. I've had them all but I still consider myself lucky. I think I've had it relatively easy so far. Every symptom has been manageable and has only lasted a short time. Although recently I have developed carpel tunnel (which is apparently common in pregnancy) and also edema in my hands and feet. This is by far the worst symptom because although it really isn't a big deal it is robbing me of what little sleep I am getting.
Oh sleep! I don't get that anymore. And as the weeks progress so does my need for pillow support at night. I'm now half-way to a sitting position and should be sleeping fully upright by the end of September. My wonderful Snoogle pregnancy pillow is pretty flat now and while I still do use it every night it just isn't enough anymore.
Update 5:
I have loved setting up the nursery and washing, folding and putting away all the baby stuff. It is my favorite part of pregnancy so far. I will share some pics of the nursery soon and of some favorite items I have acquired. I could spend the rest of my life decorating nurseries.
Update 6:
So basically I'm still doing good. The last few weeks have been pretty uncomfortable and I have bad days now where I'm just too exhausted to fake it. I'm still working and will be for another couple weeks. Baby is head down and in position for blast-off or whatever it is that's going to happen to my down-theres. She is still moving like mad but already seems to be lulled by the rocking chair and J's hands on my belly (only his). The midwife predicts she will be long just like her Daddy and today she is hovering around 6 pounds - with 4.5 weeks to go!
So that's it for now.