My Snoogle Pregnancy Pillow all coiled up.
I caved.
I had hoped that I would be able to get through the uncomfortable nights of this pregnancy by wedging pillows under various body parts for support and comfort. But it wasn’t working.
My hips are killing me. I limp or shuffle now. My chest feels like someone is sitting on it and it gets hard to breathe. It’s nearly impossible to get into a comfortable sleeping position and twice as difficult to get out of it when I have to pee. My pillows never stay in place throughout the night, they migrate over to J’s side of the bed or fall out onto the floor within an hour. And every time I roll over, I have to start placing pillows all over again.
So because I’m already this uncomfortable and still have fifteen weeks (give or take) to go I invested in a Snoogle the other day. And I’m going to marry it.
The last few nights have been so much more comfortable than the last few months. I look forward to curling up and going to sleep now, instead of dreading it.
In case you’re pregnant and you haven’t discovered this pregnancy pillow let me fill you in. It’s a long noodle shape about 6 inches thick (think a nice poofy pillow) that curves into a C at each end.
Because doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their side (not that you have a choice after a certain point) most women require extra support under the pressure points to stay comfortable and avoid leg cramps, hip pain and belly discomfort.

I sleep on my side with the Snoogle running the length of my front. One end of the C curls under my head as my pillow and the other end curls between my knees to keep my hip joints more comfortable. Then there is just enough length at each end that if I roll over the ends stop me from sleeping flat on my back (which during pregnancy can cause various unfortunate ailments). And even when I switch sides in the night, I don’t have to reposition the pillow because the C ends curl around enough that it’s basically the same support on the open side as well. And because it is so big/long, it stays in place all night.
The Snoogle can also be folded, bent and manipulated into other shapes for comfort while reading, watching TV or breastfeeding. I like folding it in half and using it as a back and arm rests while watching TV. And based on my nanny experience, I'm sure that when my child is older the Snoogle will be a favorite pillow to use when building a fort!
I know I sound like an advertisement, but I have lost so much precious sleep during this pregnancy and it looks like the Snoogle may be the lifeline that gets me through until the birth. I just wanted other women to know that I am very satisfied with it.
I bought mine at Babies R Us but you can also find them online (see above link) or if you want to save money you can find them secondhand on Craigslist etc. New covers are available as well.
advertisement photo: Pillowpedia
can i get one that looks like a man?