I'm trying to train Babe to fall asleep without the boob (starting tonight) so I'm just going to do a little post about our Easter while she works things out on her own in the other room. She went to sleep fine this evening but I can hear her semi-waking in there so I might not have much time.
Once again I really wanted to make something to mark the holiday but finding the time is so hard now. J is not home during the days and is busy many evenings and Babe hates to be put down so I haven't had much time to be crafty. I wanted to make some pretty Easter eggs but it didn't pan out. However I did see a cute idea on Pinterest (which I cruise at night while breastfeeding) and I managed to not only shop for the ingredients but I actually found time to make it for Babe's room. Now all I need is a frame. I changed it up from the one I saw by using pink buttons for the cherry blossoms and then I added wool for the grass at the bottom.

Our Easter was pretty low key. My Dad has been dying to give Babe a turkey drumstick (just the bone) to suck on since pretty much the day she came out of the womb. Apparently he gave me one when I was a baby and I loved it. Anyway, he was so disappointed that I wouldn't let him give Babe the drumstick at Christmas (when she was six weeks old) and he has been talking about it ever since. So I told him that if they made a turkey dinner for Easter he could give Babe her first turkey bone to suck on. He took the bait and my parents made a turkey feast on Saturday afternoon. Babe seemed to briefly like the taste of the turkey and then quickly lost interest which was probably a little anti-climactic for Grandpa. Anyway the only reason I even allowed it was because our doctor told me to start Babe on rice cereal a month earlier than I had planned, so Easter weekend also marked the first day that Babe had solids!!!

Here is Babe enjoying her first bites...and getting in some practice with the spoon too!
Easter was also another chance for the grandparents to spoil Babe with presents. She got a new amber teething necklace which is good because the anklet I bought her keeps slipping off her little foot. She also got an adorable little felted purse and gold ballerina flats and some bubbles (which I blew for her and she loved). And of course any chance to make the baby look ridiculous for the camera can't be passed up. Grandma bought her some bunny ears which Babe actually didn't mind wearing for awhile.

I had bought Babe the sweetest little party dress from Old Navy for Easter but unfortunately it was still a little too big to wear to Easter dinner. But she looks so cute in it I had to take some pics anyway. It should fit in another month or so.
It reminded me of Gwen Stefani's wedding dress in 2002 which I loved. Now Babe has the mini version.

Anyway, Easter weekend was really a weekend of firsts. Babe's first solids, her first time in the swings at the park, the first time she rode in her stroller facing forward (without car seat) and her first trip across the border with her new passport! We went down to La Conner for the night with my parents. My next post will be about how that trip went. I'll tell ya one thing though, I packed a lot lighter for this trip than I did for the last one.

First time in the swings. Babe was screaming when we arrived and managed to clear the park so we had the place to ourselves. Naughty baby.
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