We had our first Christmas with Babe yesterday. Because she has been so colicky lately (usually fussing from about seven at night until two in the morning) we chose to skip my big family Christmas morning. I was sad to not take our darling daughter to see everyone on Christmas but with her fussy nights the mornings really need to be a quiet resting time for all three of us. I just couldn't justify dragging her out in the cold, sticking her in the car (which she absolutely hates) and subjecting her to a ton of stimulation. Everyone loves her but at six weeks old it's just too much for her to see everyone at one time.
So we stayed home and napped Christmas morning and then headed to my parents for a quiet Christmas dinner and present opening.

Babe got a Fisher Price aquarium toy for her crib which I was so excited about. She loves lights and I knew the combination of the lights, bubbles, water and moving fish would be a sweet little distraction for her since she is just starting to notice toys. She LOVES it! I set it up this morning and she lay in the crib watching it and cooing at it for half an hour. Then she crapped her pants and started to cry. But it was a big hit.
I haven't been a huge Christmas fan since I was a kid so it was really nice to have the holiday be special to me again. I was more excited to see Babe with her gifts than I was about my own. It was great to have Christmas be about making it good for my own child and enjoying her enjoyment. Even though this year she was too little to know what was going on it was nice to see her enjoying the decorations, the tree and her grandparents. I can't wait for next year when she is toddling around and for the years after that when I can share holiday traditions with her such as buying toys for the toy drive, dropping off pet food to the SPCA, baking cookies and walking around looking at Christmas lights.

Grandpa with the ridiculous stocking they got for her.
I also made her first Christmas egg. I started making the eggs last year after learning the craft from my aunt. So I made Babe her "It's a girl" Christmas egg this year. I also made one for my good friend who's daughter just arrived this month. Inside ours is a sleeping baby, a stack of blocks, a little teddy bear and a clothes line with baby clothes hanging from it. My aunt also made an egg for Babe. I love this family tradition of making and giving the Christmas eggs and I hope our daughter will have a big collection just like I do by the time she is an adult.

To see the eggs I made last year check out my Christmas egg post on my Sockrrz blog. Notice I haven't kept up with that one since I found out I was pregnant. Whoops.
My mom always does a beautiful job of decorating for the holidays. Here's a couple more shots of the decorations Babe was the most fond of.
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