I have two cats. They are high maintenance cats. One needs a lot of love and cuddles and one has a ton of energy and is rather naughty when cooped up in an apartment. So I knew when I had the baby I would want a break from my feline friends until I was back on my feet.
When I went into labour I called my mom to come and pick them up. My plan was to bring the lovey one home after a week or two and leave the energetic one with my parents for a couple of months.
But Babe was so fussy when we brought her home and slept so poorly and I was recovering from a cesarean so days turned into weeks and weeks turned into two months. So I only just brought my one cat home this week.
I've had my female orange tabby for almost twelve years now. She has been a constant companion and source of comfort throughout that time. She is a sweet little angel who wants nothing more than to sleep on the bed with me at night and follow me around during the day. She has been my baby...until recently.
No one could love their cats more than I do. Yet even so, having a baby changed what I feel for my kitties. As much as I missed them and knew that my lovey cat was sorely missing my affections and needed to come home, I was just so besotted with Babe and so tired from lack of sleep I didn't have the energy to rescue her from my parents any sooner.
She is home now. Has been for a few days. And it isn't going well.
She is so starved for affection that she wants to be comforted all the time. But Babe still doesn't sleep well and bawls when she is abandoned for even a few moments, so she's on me most of the time which leaves only an out-stretched foot to stroke the cat. Which the cat finds unsatisfying. She tries to cuddle with J and he is giving her some love but he's never been her biggest fan and therefore doesn't prioritize much time for her.
And she is a little stressed out and off her food...but still hungry. So she paces the apartment meowing which is driving both J and I crazy and nearly brings me to tears when she wakes the baby from the little sleep she does get. Not to mention that J is miserable without sleep and I pay dearly the next day when my cat keeps him up at night.
So what do I do? I love her and I take my responsibility as a pet owner seriously. I don't think it's fair to dump my animals because a baby has come into my life. But it's a little too much right now.
She could stay longer with my parents, the other cat certainly enjoys being there and playing outside, but while my parents are willing to have the cats at their house they don't bother much with stroking and cuddles. I know my tabby was lonely without me and needs my attention. But I am already stretched so thin by Babe's needs I have little time or patience left for the kitties.
I'm hoping with a little love, some different cat food and the help of a spray bottle I may be able to limp my little family along until Babe is settled into a schedule and the cats are relaxed again. But if lovey cat doesn't smarten up either she will be leaving for Grandma's house or J will be leaving for a bachelor pad.
Poor kitty. For years she has been my baby, now she is my other baby.
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