For Christmas I wanted to get a ring made to commemorate my baby's birth. I knew I wanted the letters stamped into the ring and not engraved but I couldn't find a local engraver that did stamping. Then one day I was in one of my favorite stores
Blue Ruby and I saw a collection of jewelry by
Andrea Waines. Waines is a local designer who creates beautiful silver jewelry with various messages and affirmations hand-stamped into the pieces. The pieces she sells at Blue Ruby are all necklaces and bracelets but I had my heart set on a ring. I contacted her and asked if she would custom make me a ring. She did and it's perfect. The matte finish silver band has Babe's name on one side and her birth date on the other. I wear it everyday.
And here are a few other pieces I have for Babe:

This is my gold ID bracelet from when I was a baby. For whatever reason my parents never had it engraved so the plate is still blank. I'll take it and have it engraved for Babe. It's tiny for a tiny little wrist.

Every year before Christmas some local Native American artisans come to the building that my mother works in to sell their crafts. My mom bought these sweet little beaded angel earrings for Babe. Of course she'll have to wait until she is much older to wear them.

I'm not really a fan of pearls. Fake is fine but I remember the saying, "Right now an oyster is being robbed of it's sole possession" from the old Van Halen music video for "Right Now" (which is still one of my all-time favorites). Even though oysters are just shellfish the saying has always stuck with me and I've never bought pearls because of it. But what's done is done and when I was a toddler my grandparents bought this tiny pearl necklace from an antique store in England. Now I have it for Babe.
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